Saturday, October 20, 2007

just an update

I don't have any pics to share tonight... just wanted to post a quick update.

Last week we were told we needed to take C to St Jude's, but his counts have stopped falling so those plans are on hold again. We are waiting for his medical records to get here, and then we will be able to get the referral we need to take him there. All of his bloodlines are down right now, so he still may need to go the other Children's hospital to get platelets. However, since those didn't fall again this week, it may mean he is starting to make some again. So basically we are in a holding pattern... waiting to see what his counts do, waiting on paperwork, waiting and praying he stabilizes again very soon.

Everybody has caught some stomach bug that is going around, so it has been a yucky weekend so far. It started with K on Wednesday night, and everybody is taking a turn. ick.

Football season is almost over, and I think soccer is nearly done too. I love watching them all in their sports, but I am always so glad when the seasons end and we get some time back for other stuff!

F was voted as queen of her class in the fall festival, and T is the king in his class.... I think it is so cute! The festival is next weekend, and I can't wait to get the pics. Thank goodness the viral ick is making its rounds this weekend instead of next!

I am not feeling great, so I am going to go sleep now. I did some digi scrapping today when I didn't have much energy to do anything else. I will get it posted in a day or two.

Talk to you soon!

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